Jones Brothers builds boats using the best available composite construction materials. We could build cheaper boats using less expensive materials, but we don’t – we believe in quality construction.
Just using new composites in boat construction doesn’t mean much if they aren’t used properly. When Jones Brothers switched to all composite construction, we spent several years experimenting to find out what worked and what didn’t. Our boats are tough, look great, and last for many years in harsh saltwater environments.
Eastern North Carolina has a pool of very talented boat builders that produce some of the finest boats in the world, and all of the crew at Jones Brothers are locals that come from a boat building tradition that goes back generations. They are professionals that take pride in the products they create, and many are owners of the boats they build every day.
We have a commitment to excellence that flows through the manufacturing plant and the company. It comes not only from a desire to build the best boats, but a strong desire to make products that exceed customer expectations.
A Jones Brothers boat almost always performs well above expectations. We encourage prospective buyers to experience our boats, and compare the ride with others being considered. Visit one of our dealers for a complementary ride, or use the guide page to arrange a day on the water. We’re confident that spending time on the water in a Jones Brothers boat will help you make an informed decision.
Our boats are made using state of the art materials and manufacturing techniques, and are built to face the rugged challenges of a boating and fishing life. Jones Brothers aren’t the least or most expense boats in their class. However, we manufacture a phenomenal boat for the price. And when our customers sell their boat, usually to upgrade to a new or larger Jones Brothers, they are often surprised at the resale value.
We stand behind what we build – sometimes to a fault. If you do have a problem with one of our boats, call us. We like to see our boats on the water and will do our best to make that happen.
We constantly strive to learn from our customers, dealers and especially the guides that use our boats. Call us with suggestions, complaints and even compliments. We do listen.
Our industry is very creative. Jones Brothers rapidly adopts state-of-the-art improvements that make sense for our boats.
Part of the fun in boat building is making what we do better, and our company is constantly looking for ways to improve our boats and how we build them.